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Management systems - Environmental / Health & Safety  & Quality

In today�s global economy and increasing stakeholder demands, organizations are increasingly required to demonstrate sound business management of economic, social, environmental, health & safety and quality issues. A management system provides a structured approach and allows for the identification and management of risks (e.g. significant environmental aspects and hazards). IMS can assist you with a fully integrated management system (more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable) or with stand-alone systems. Each is described below.

Environmental Management Systems

In the past, strict adherence to regulatory requirements was considered to be a sufficient demonstration of good environmental performance. Today, companies and governments need to demonstrate that they are committed to doing more than the bare minimum and are expected to be proactive.

Environmental management systems (EMS) assist organizations achieve and maintain a due diligence for their operations and meet a high standard of environmental performance. The International Standards Organization�s ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems - Specifications With Guidelines for Use, has become the widely accepted international model for these systems.
IMS provides a full spectrum of EMS services from conducting an initial gap analysis to full development, implementation and optimization of a customized EMS to meet your business needs. Our expertise is recognized

Health & Safety Management Systems

OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) is an internationally recognized specification that provides the framework for an organization to manage its risks and hazards as part of an overall health and safety management system. OHSAS is not an ISO Standard but rather a specification developed by the British. It has been designed and developed to be fully compatible with both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 to create a truly integrated system.

There are many benefits of implementing a health and safety management system. These include:

  • Increased employee safety
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduced liabilities
  • Reduced lost time injuries and accidents

IMS can assist an organization from conducting an initial gap analysis to full development, implementation and optimization of a customized HSMS.

Quality Management Systems

With today�s difficult business market, organizations need to demonstrate that they are producing quality products to consumers.

A quality management system (QMS) can assist an organization achieve these goals. The International Standards Organization ISO 9000 series of standards: Quality Management Systems, have become the widely accepted international model.

With the introduction of the ISO 9001:2000 version, a new era in QMS has begun that focuses more on ensuring that processes are aligned to meet the customers� needs and less on documenting the QMS. This change in approach aligns the QMS with the ISO 14001 Standard and OHSAS 18001 Specification documents.



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